Doug & Eastern CT State University

Doug's year book picture

Doug started at Eastern CT State University in 1976. (Back then it was a college.) He graduated in 1980 with a degree in Environmental Earth Science.

This is his yearbook photo. The quote he picked was "Good climbing and good company often go together, each is essential to the enjoyment of the other." It is perfect for a couple of reasons. Doug naturally found balance in his life. He had wonderful friends and was a true friend himself. He loved the outdoors and climbing. He was always a hard worker, but fun was a priority. Climbing is related to geology, which was one of his passions since he was a young rock collector.

Eastern changed Doug's life. He blossomed there. It was the perfect place for a shy young man - close to home, not too big. He made friends he would treasure for a lifetime. He joined the Outing Club. There, he developed leadership skills as the Co-President, while enjoying wonderful adventures. He earned a degree that led to a 27 year successful career with the CT Dept. of Environmental Protection. And he had wonderful memories of the four years he spent there.

Doug's favorite professor was Sherm Clebnik. Dr. Clebnik retired in 2010. Several years ago, Doug invited Clebnik to do a great program on local geology for the Woodstock Historical Society. On April 17, 2010, Doug and I attended a reception in Dr. Clebnik's honor. It was also the launching the ECSU Foundation. The fund will support research and expenses associated with it, and help EES students financially. Doug was the first member of the Class of '80 to donate. We had a great time that evening, visiting with his professors, alumni, friends and colleagues. Doug glowed the whole time. He was so happy to be back.


One of the organizations people can choose to donate to in Doug's honor is the Founders of Environmental Earth Science Fund (Eastern CT State University) - c/o ECSU Foundation, 83 Windham St., Willimantic CT 06226.



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