Dealing with Grief

When my husband passed away unexpectedly, I had no idea how hard it would be.

I had lost people I loved in the past. Some died under tragic circumstances. However, nothing prepared me for what it would be like to lose my partner, lover, best friend, soulmate, roommate, support team, handyman, co-adventurer, role model, confidante, advisor, the person who knew me better than anyone, the one I could also count on, the one I planned my future with, the source of fun, encouragement, inspiration, financial support, entertainment and joy, all in one fell swoop.

So I started writing. I wrote late at night and early in the morning, when the rest of the world was asleep. I found that writing helped me sort through the confusion, pain and fear.

If we live long enough, we will all lose someone we love. If someone close to you has died, maybe my experiences will help you. I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about grief.

Or perhaps this site might help you understand what it is like for those left behind, and what you can do to help them survive.



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