For the wake, I wanted something special to put cards in. Our friends Meb Boden and Tom Vaiciulis (Meb's Kitchenwares) made this double-heart bowl for us. Tom and Meb worked side by side on it, crafting it in just two days. It is made of local, sustainably grown wood and love. Artist Chelsea Lewis did the wood burning on the bottom.
Here is what Meb wrote on her website about Doug's Wonderful Life
Tom and I are so sad not to have known Doug well while he was alive. We had looked forward to his professional and fun perspective on our homestead in the woods.
Often, while Bet and I waited through long downloads to the Meb’s Kitchenwares site and chatted about our lives, she said “Doug can answer that question, Doug will enjoy exploring there, he’ll like what you’re doing”. We looked forward to their visit to our incredible mountain laurel bloom this year.
It was clear that Bet and Doug had a committed relationship as close as Tom and I--bouncing ideas off of each other, encouraging, inspiring and bringing out the best in our partner. When Tom was so sick, I had the luxury of time to try to figure out what my possibilities were for a future without him. I’m so glad I didn’t have to put my plans into action. Bet didn’t have that luxury.
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