Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”
John Greenleaf Whittier, Maud Muller - Pamphlet
It's typical for grieving people to be filled with "What Ifs"... also known as "wudda, cudda, shuddas." E.g., "If only I had done this or that, it might have made a difference." This is actually a kind of magical thinking. It seems to emanate from an irrational belief we have or had the "power" to prevent or change what happened in the past.
Wishes and regrets that can never be fully resolved can be quite painful. I know this, as I have many of them.
I have already made a list of the things I don't regret, which was very helpful for me. I decided it might also help to make a list of "reverse" what's ifs. I figure if I can drive myself crazy thinking about what I didn't do right, or the things that didn't turn out the way I wanted them to, why not consider the opposites?
This exercise is kind of like imagining "revisionist history." Some historians play these games, pondering different outcomes such as "what if the Nazi's had won World War II...how would our world be different today?"
Here are some of my reverse what ifs...
The "what ifs" will be different for each person, but I think this is a useful exercise. It helps put things in perspective.
These what ifs are probably no less valid than the others I have been tormenting myself with.
I'm definitely not saying I will ever be happy or content with what happened! No scenario could compare with Doug living a healthy life. All I can hope for is that someday I will:
All the things get done and you regret them and then you accept them because there's nothing else to do. Regret doesn't budget things; it seems crazy that the force of all that human want can't amend a moment, can't budge a pebble.
~ Darin Strauss, Half a Life: A Memoir
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