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A photo of Doug's parents and me with a shot of Doug summitting Mt. South Kennedy appeared on the cover of Hartford Hospital's wellness magazine. (I love that photo, taken by his climbing buddy Doug Bonoff. My Doug looks exhausted by triumphant in his "team" climbing colors - red and black.) The magazine issue focused on the difference organ and tissue donation can make in the lives of thousands of ill or injured people.
I was thrilled that Doug's parents were willing to go to the photo shoot. We don't like having our picture taken, but wanted to support the amazing Life Choice Donor Services organization, and Hartford Hospital's efforts to increase donorship and to raise funds for a their new transplant center.
I also continue to be thrilled that life still flows through parts of Doug. His legacy continues to help others.
It's easy to register as a donor. If you're in New England, just go to BecomeADonor.org. Otherwise, see How to Become a Donor at www.organdonor.gov. It's the most valuable gift you'll ever give.
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