My husband Doug died suddenly of a malignant arrhythmia. Afterwards, I struggled mightily to cope with the aftershocks of sudden death. I wished for different circumstances. I wished I had been given a chance to say goodbye. To know that he had a health issue and to have had a chance to correct it. For him to die at home, with me by his side.

About six months after he died, I read a book - Leaving the Life: A true story of love, loss and gratitude, by Patrick McKenna Lynch Smith. It changed my life - and me.

1. For the first time, I was GRATEFUL that Doug died the way he did. I realized how much worse it could have been. I am so glad he was spared the agony that Smith's wife experienced.

2. I could relate to Smith's reaction to loss. I felt less crazy - or at least I felt I had crazy company.

3. I was able to see things from the perspective of a widowER - a man, who was also his wife's caregiver.

4. It gave me hope. Here was someone whose loss seemed equal to mine - but he wanted to LIVE.

The writing is fantastic. It read like a thriller. It was very insightful. The prose was pure poetry. I couldn't put it down. About 50 people I know have since read it, and most found it so compelling that they stayed up all night reading it. As for me, I fell in love with the author - literally.

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Leaving the Life: A true story of love, loss and gratitude, by Patrick McKenna Lynch Smith will leave you grateful for what you do have, and for what you do not have. There is a surprise happy ending that not even the author saw coming. It offers hope.

Especially well-suited for caregivers, and widows or widowers. Anyone who has loved and lost will be able to relate. Those who lost a spouse suddenly will be especially affected. They will look at their own loss in a completely different light.



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